Arne Paus

Arne Paus (b. May 2, 1943) is a Norwegian visual artist and one of the best known Norwegian figurative painters.

He studied from 1964 until 1966 at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf with Joseph Beuys and currently lives in Oslo in Norway.

Paus along with Bjørn Fjell, Karl Erik Harr and Odd Nerdrum organized the series of exhibitions named "Romantikk og Realisme" translated Romance and Realism in Norway. His painting can be seen several public places in Valdres, in hotels in Fagernes and Beitostølen. His inspiration from the changing secenry in nature is obvious as is human relations. From August 2010 to January 2011 there was a huge exhibition in Galleri Würth outside Oslo, inspired and a hommage to the dancer and coreographer Pina Bausch.130 paintings, drawings and wood cuts of Bausch's dance and movements was visited by around 3000 people according to the gallery.

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